
Technical project managers
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Technical project managers and their needs in cybersecurity

The Internet has become a space full of malicious links and viruses. Data breaches are becoming pervasive and annoying and users are more vulnerable more frequently, and users are more vulnerable than ever. There are several points that the project manager must realize in order to protect the data of his company and the data of his

risk management
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Risk management in the organizational structure

A risk assessment is what a company does when it assesses the potential for financial harm to the company or a physical risk to its employees or facilities. Assessing the risks that affect the organizational structure and knowing a company’s risk management strategy is a far-reaching investigation into the different ways in which a company’s operations may be exposed to risks from regulatory constraints, competition, employee problems, environmental conditions and social responsibility concerns

شهادة سكرم ماستر
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CSM Scrum Master Certificate

The CSM Certified Scrum Master is a globally recognized certification offered by the well-known Scrum Alliance and is offered to professionals who demonstrate their skills in Scrum practices and principles. The CSM Scrum Master provides expertise in project management and how to protect teams from internal and external obstacles and deviations that can hinder the success of projects.

تحسين أداء المنظمات باستخدام نماذج النضج
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Improving the performance of organizations using maturity models

It has become fashionable today to hear about the need for (project managers) and the establishment of many governmental or private agencies (project management offices), and day by day the demand for professional certificates in the field of project management increases.

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Agile methodology for project success

including Agile methodology. So, what does Agile methodology mean? Agile methodology of project management is one of the newly emerging methodologies and it is known as an intellectual methodology that focuses on modern methods of developing software, ideas, and basic values to provide products of value in cooperation with a collaborative and multidisciplinary team,

هناك الكثير من الأفراد لا يعرفون الفرق بين معهد إدارة المشاريع PMI وAxelos وأهم ما يميز كلاهما. في هذا المقال سنرسم لوحة توضيحية تناقش مفهوم كل منهما، وأهم الاختلافات والشهادات المعتمدة من كل معهد لإدارة المشاريع.
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Do Axelos and PMI institute complement each other

A lot of people don’t know the difference between PMI and Axelos and the most important things that distinguish both of them. In this article, we will draw an illustrative board that discusses the concept of each of them, the most important differences and the approved certifications for project management.

تحليل الأعمال الاحترافية
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Professional Business Analysis

With the dominance of institutions in the labor market, the field of business analysis has become increasingly commonplace. As many people began to put this field before their eyes to study it in their university life, knowing their importance in the contemporary global markets. In this regard, we will read about professional business analysis.